
09 May 2024
Zhen-Qi’s preprint on benchmarking FC methods is live on bioRxiv!

30 April 2024
Vince, Eric and Filip are awarded FRQ doctoral fellowships!

28 February 2024
Asa’s preprint on network spreading of neurodegeneration in ALS is live on bioRxiv!

29 February 2024
Andrea’s commentary on network neuroscience is published!

28 February 2024
Filip’s preprint on strength-preserving rewiring is live on bioRxiv!

22 January 2024
Estefany’s paper on the conn2res toolbox for connectome-based reservoir computing is published in Nature Communications!

13 November 2023
Filip’s commentary on spatially embedded neuromorphic networks is published in Nature Machine Intelligence!

13 November 2023
Andrea’s preprint on individual uniqueness in anesthesia is live on bioRxiv!

30 October 2023
Justine’s preprint on brainstem functional architecture is live on bioRxiv!

18 October 2023
Vince’s and Justine’s review on annotated connectomes is published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience!

28 September 2023
Golia’s paper on linking neurophysiological activity and micro-architecture is published in Nature Communications!

28 September 2023
Andrea is awarded a Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship!

27 September 2023
Justine’s paper multimodal wiring blueprints of the brain is published in PLoS Biology!

31 July 2023
Estefany defends her PhD thesis! Congratulations Dr. Suarez!

23 July 2023
Justine wins the Karl Zilles award from the Organization for Human Brain Mapping!

13 July 2023
Zhen-Qi’s paper on structure-function coupling is published!

04 June 2023
Estefany’s preprint on the conn2res toolbox for connectome-based reservoir computing is live on bioRxiv!

19 May 2023
Vincent’s paper on connectome assortativity is published in Nature Communications!

25 April 2023
Filip’s paper on connectome communcation is published!

17 March 2023
Andrea’s preprint on transitions between cognitive topographies is live on bioRxiv!

23 January 2023
Golia’s preprint on linking neurophysiological activity and micro-architecture is live on bioRxiv!

15 December 2022
Zhen-Qi’s preprint on structure-function coupling in electromagnetic networks is live on bioRxiv!

02 December 2022
Justine’s preprint on multimodal, multiscale connectivity modes is live on bioRxiv!

07 November 2022
Estefany’s paper on mammalian connectomics is published in eLife!

27 October 2022
Justine’s paper on neurotransmitter systems is published in Nature Neuroscience!

27 October 2022
Justine wins the Cooper Foundation Open Science Prize!

06 October 2022
The neuromaps paper is published in Nature Methods!

29 September 2022
Filip’s preprint on connectome communication is live on bioRxiv!

10 August 2022
Justine’s paper on molecular and connectomic predictors of disease is published in Nature Communications!

02 August 2022
Golia’s paper on mapping electromagnetic and haemodynamic networks is published in PLoS Biology!

18 July 2022
Golia successfully defends her PhD thesis! Congratulations Dr. Shafiei, and best of luck for your post-doc at UPenn!

14 July 2022
Andrea’s preprint on pharamacologically-induced functional reorganization is live on bioRxiv!

01 June 2022
Vincent’s preprint on assortative mixing in annotated connectomes is live on bioRxiv!

31 May 2022
Our review on null models in network neuroscience is published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience!

30 May 2022
Justine wins the QBIN-RBIQ Open Science Award!

26 April 2022
Vincent and Justine are awarded NSERC doctoral fellowships!

12 March 2022
Estefany’s preprint on mammalian connectomics is live on bioRxiv!

22 February 2022
Golia’s and Vince’s paper on network structure of atrophy in frontotemporal dementia is published in Brain!

03 February 2022
Zhen-Qi’s paper on benchmarking functional connectivity by structure and geometry is published!

24 January 2022
Justine’s preprint on moecular vs connectomic vulnerability in brain diseases is live on bioRxiv!

07 January 2022
Ross’ and Justine’s preprint on contextualizing brain maps is live on bioRxiv!

02 December 2021
Justine’s paper on comparing receptor density and gene expression is live on bioRxiv!

16 November 2021
Ross’ paper on the abagen toolbox for imaging transcriptomics is published in eLife!

30 October 2021
Justine’s paper on mapping neurotransmitter systems is live on bioRxiv!

08 September 2021
Zhen-Qi’s paper on benchmarking functional connectivity is live on bioRxiv!

04 October 2021
Ross defends his PhD thesis! Congratulations Dr. Markello!

08 September 2021
Golia’s paper on mapping electromagnetic and haemodynamic networks is live on bioRxiv!

01 September 2021
Vincent’s paper on multiscale communication in brain networks is published in NeuroImage!

31 August 2021
Golia is awarded the Bourse d’Excellence Desjardins and Zhen-Qi is awarded the Chippindale Outstanding Student Award!

30 August 2021
Vincent is awarded the Faculty of Medicine Fellowship and Zhen-Qi is awarded the Jeanne Timmins Fellowship!

28 August 2021
Golia’s and Vince’s preprint on network structure of atrophy in frontotemporal dementia is live on bioRxiv!

09 August 2021
Estefany’s paper on neuromorphic networks is published in Nature Machine Intelligence!

10 July 2021
Ross’ preprint on the abagen toolbox for imaging transcriptomics is live on bioRxiv!

10 July 2021
Zhen-Qi’s and Bertha’s preprint on time-resolved structure-function coupling is live on bioRxiv!

17 April 2021
Ross’ paper on spatial null models is published in NeuroImage!

25 March 2021
Justine’s paper on mapping transcriptomic and cognitive architectures is published in Nature Human Behaviour!

05 January 2021
Ross’ paper on multimodal fusion is published!

17 December 2020
Golia’s paper on gradients of intrinsic dynamics is published in eLife!

11 November 2020
Estefany’s preprint on neuromorphic networks is live on bioRxiv!

09 November 2020
Our Focus Feature on Network Communication in the Brain is published! Check out our editorial!

02 October 2020
Vince’s preprint on multiscale communication in brain networks is live on bioRxiv!

14 August 2020
Ross’ preprint on comparing spatially-constrained null models is live on bioRxiv!

03 August 2020
Golia’s paper on latent clinical-anatomical dimensions in schizophrenia is published! With an editorial!

28 July 2020
Zhen-Qi’s and Ying-Qiu’s paper about the marmoset connectome is published!

17 July 2020
Justine’s preprint on mapping transcriptomic and cognitive architectures is live on bioRxiv!

04 July 2020
Golia’s preprint on gradients of intrinsic dynamics is live on bioRxiv!

19 June 2020
Bertha’s and Zhen-Qi’s paper on path motifs is published!

30 April 2020
Estefany, Ross and Vincent are awarded FRQNT scholarships!

03 March 2020
Ross’ preprint on multimodal fusion is live on bioRxiv!

25 February 2020
Estefany’s and Ross’ review on structure-function relationships is out in TiCS!

21 November 2019
Ying-Qiu’s paper on network propagation of misfolded proteins is published in PLoS Biology!

28 October 2019
Golia’s paper on how network architecture shapes atrophy in schizophrenia is published in Biological Psychiatry!

30 September 2019
Bertha’s structure-function gradients paper is published in PNAS!

28 August 2019
Estefany and Ross are awarded Faculty of Medicine fellowships!

26 March 2019
The consistency-based thresholding paper is published! Great collaboration with the Brain Networks & Behavior Lab at Indiana University.

03 May 2019
Golia’s schizophrenia and brain networks paper is live on bioRxiv!

27 November 2018
Nykan’s MyConnectome paper is published!

3 November 2018
NetNeuroTools is live on our GitHub repo! Awesome work by Ross, with great documentation.

18 September 2018
Bratislav presents at the World Economic Forum.

20 March 2018
Golia is awarded an NSERC doctoral fellowship!