- netneurotools.metrics.network_variance(vec, D, use_numba=False)[source]
Calculate variance of a vector on a graph.
Network variance is a measure of variance taken into account the network structure.
Test before use.
- Parameters:
vec ((N,) array_like) – Input vector. Must be all positive. Will be normalized internally as a probability distribution.
D ((N, N) array_like) – Distance matrix.
use_numba (bool, optional) – Whether to use numba for calculation. Default: True (if numba is available).
- Returns:
network_variance – Network variance of vec on D
- Return type:
The network variance is defined as
\[var(p) = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i, j} p(i) p(j) d^2(i,j)\]where \(p\) is the probability distribution of vec, and \(d(i,j)\) is the distance between node \(i\) and \(j\).
The distance matrix \(D\) can make use of effective resistance or its square root.
Example using effective resistance as weight matrix
R_eff = effective_resistance(W) netvar = network_variance(vec, R_eff)
See also