Python Reference API
- Automatic dataset fetching
Functions for handling datasets.
To download templates
Download files for fsaverage FreeSurfer template. |
Download files for fsaverage FreeSurfer template. |
Fetch HCP standard mesh atlases for converting between FreeSurfer and HCP. |
Download files for HCP fsLR template. |
Fetch CIVET surface files. |
Download files for CIVET template. |
Download files for Van Essen et al., 2012 Conte69 template. |
Download files for Donahue et al., 2016 Yerkes19 template. |
To download atlases
Download files for Cammoun et al., 2012 multiscale parcellation. |
Download FreeSurfer .annot files for Schaefer et al., 2018 parcellation. |
Download .label.gii files for Glasser et al., 2016 MMPAll atlas. |
Download files for Pauli et al., 2018 subcortical parcellation. |
Fetch Tian et al., 2020 subcortical parcellation. |
Fetch von-Economo Koskinas probabilistic FreeSurfer atlas. |
To download project-related data
Download files from Vazquez-Rodriguez et al., 2019, PNAS. |
Download (and creates) dataset for replicating Mirchi et al., 2018, SCAN. |
Download files from Hansen et al., 2023, PLOS Biology. |
Download files from Hansen et al., 2022, Nature Neuroscience. |
Download files from Hansen et al., 2021, Nature Human Behaviour. |
Download files from Hansen et al., 2024. |
Download files from Shafiei et al., 2022. |
Download files from Shafiei et al., 2023. |
Download files from Suarez et al., 2022, eLife. |
Download files from multi-species connectomes. |
Download Neurosynth data. |
- Constructing networks
Functions for constucting networks.
To construct consensus networks
Calculate thresholded group consensus functional connectivity graph. |
Calculate distance-dependent group consensus structural connectivity graph. |
To randomize networks
Optimized version of randmio_und. |
Generate degree- and edge length-preserving surrogate connectomes. |
Strength-preserving network randomization using simulated annealing. |
Strength-preserving network randomization using simulated annealing. |
Strength-preserving network randomization using simulated annealing. |
Convenient functions
Keep top retain % of connections in network and binarizes. |
Keep top retain % of connections in network and binarizes. |
- Plotting brain data
Functions for making pretty plots and whatnot.
Plot surface data using PyVista. |
PySurfer (deprecated)
Plot surface data on Conte69 Atlas. |
Plot surface data on a given fsLR32k atlas. |
Plot data to fsaverage brain using annot as parcellation. |
Plot vertex-wise data to fsaverage brain. |
Plot data as a cloud of points in 3D space based on specified coords. |
Plot data as heatmap with borders drawn around communities. |
Fun color & colormap stuff
Return list of available colormaps in module. |
- Calculating graph metrics
Magics on networks.
Brain network metrics
Compute the degree of each node in W. |
Compute the in degree and out degree of each node in W. |
Compute the all-pairs shortest path length using Floyd-Warshall algorithm. |
Return the shortest paths between two nodes. |
Compute network navigation. |
Get navigation path length from navigation results. |
Compute the communicability of pairs of nodes in adjacency. |
Compute the communicability of pairs of nodes in adjacency. |
Calculate path transitivity. |
Calculate search information. |
Calculate mean first passage time. |
Calculate diffusion efficiency. |
Calculate resource efficiency and shortest-path probability. |
Calculate flow graph. |
Calculate assortativity for undirected networks. |
Calculate assortativity for directed networks. |
Calculate undirected matching index. |
Calculate connectivity values in rich, feeder, and peripheral edges. |
Network spreading
Simulate atrophy in a network. |
Statistical network metrics
Calculate pearson correlation between two annotation vectors. |
Calculate pairwise network correlation between rows of annot_mat. |
Calculate effective resistance matrix. |
Calculate polarisation of a vector on a graph. |
Calculate variance of a vector on a graph. |
Calculate covariance of a joint probability matrix on a graph. |
- Calculating network modularity
Functions for working with network modularity.
Align cluster labels in source to those in target. |
Re-label clusters in columns of assignments to best match target. |
Relabel and reorders rows / columns of assignments to "look better". |
Find consensus clustering labels from cluster solutions in assignments. |
Find community assignments from adjacency through consensus. |
Calculate the z-Rand index of two community assignments. |
Calculate modularity contribution for each community in comm. |
Calculate average z-score of community assignments by permutation. |
Calculate significance of community assignments in comm by permutation. |
- General statistics functions
Functions for performing statistical operations.
Compute correlation of matching columns in a and b. |
Calculate weighted Pearson correlation coefficient. |
Generate random vectors that are correlated to approximately corr. |
Permutation tests
Non-parametric equivalent of |
Non-parametric equivalent of |
Non-parametric equivalent of |
Return residuals of regression equation from Y ~ X. |
Return the dominance analysis statistics for multilinear regression. |
- Spatial statistics
Functions for handling spatial brain data.
To calculate spatial statistics
Calculate Moran's I for spatial autocorrelation. |
Calculate local Moran's I for spatial autocorrelation. |
Calculate Geary's C for spatial autocorrelation. |
Calculate local Geary's C for spatial autocorrelation. |
Calculate Lee's I for spatial autocorrelation. |
Calculate local Lee's I for spatial autocorrelation. |
- Interface with external data and tools
Functions for interfacing with common tools.
To parcellate surface data
Convert vertex-level data to parcel-level data. |
Convert parcel-level data to vertex-level data. |
To work with CIFTI files
Print information about CIFTI file. |
Extract volume data from CIFTI file. |
Extract surface data from CIFTI file. |
Extract label data from CIFTI file. |
Extract surface data and related labels from CIFTI file. |
Extract volume and surface data from CIFTI file. |
To work with FreeSurfer files
Extract vertices and labels from FreeSurfer annotation file. |
To work with GIFTI files
Extract vertices and labels from GIFTI file. |
- Functions in alpha stage
Functions in alpha stage.