Reference API

neuromaps.datasets - Dataset fetchers

Functions for fetching datasets.

neuromaps.datasets.fetch_atlas(atlas, density)

Fetch specified atlas and density.

neuromaps.datasets.fetch_civet([density, ...])

Fetch CIVET surface atlas.


Fetch fsaverage surface atlas.

neuromaps.datasets.fetch_fslr([density, ...])

Fetch fsLR surface atlas.

neuromaps.datasets.fetch_mni152([density, ...])

Fetch MNI152 atlas.

neuromaps.datasets.fetch_regfusion(atlas[, ...])

Fetch regfusion inputs for mapping MNI152 to specified surface atlas.


Fetch (and cache) all available atlases.


List datasets available via fetch_annotation().


Return available tags for querying annotations.

neuromaps.datasets.fetch_annotation(*[, ...])

Download files for brain annotations matching requested variables.

neuromaps.datasets.get_atlas_dir(atlas[, ...])

Return filepath to specified atlas.

neuromaps.images - Image and surface handling

Functions for operating on images + surfaces.


Load gifti file img.


Load nifti file img.


Generate average surface from input surfs.

neuromaps.images.interp_surface(data, src, trg)

Interpolate data on src surface to trg surface.


Calculate vertex areas from surface file.


Update GIFTI images so label IDs are consecutive across hemispheres.


Convert FreeSurfer-style annotation parcellation files to GIFTI images.


Convert CIFTI dlabel file to GIFTI images.

neuromaps.images.obj_to_gifti(obj[, fn])

Convert CIVET obj surface file to GIFTI format.

neuromaps.images.fssurf_to_gifti(surf[, fn])

Convert FreeSurfer surf surface file to GIFTI format.

neuromaps.images.fsmorph_to_gifti(morph[, ...])

Convert FreeSurfer morph data file to GIFTI format.

neuromaps.nulls - Null models

Functions for computing null models.

neuromaps.nulls.alexander_bloch(data[, ...])

Generate null maps from data using method from [SN1].

neuromaps.nulls.vazquez_rodriguez(data[, ...])

Generate null maps from data using method from [SN1].

neuromaps.nulls.vasa(data[, atlas, density, ...])

Generate null maps for parcellated data using method from [SN2].

neuromaps.nulls.hungarian(data[, atlas, ...])

Generate null maps for parcellated data using the Hungarian method ([SN3]).

neuromaps.nulls.baum(data[, atlas, density, ...])

Generate null maps for parcellated data using method from [SN4].

neuromaps.nulls.cornblath(data[, atlas, ...])

Generate null maps for parcellated data using method from [SN5].

neuromaps.nulls.burt2018(data[, atlas, ...])

Generate null maps for data using method from [SN6].

neuromaps.nulls.burt2020(data[, atlas, ...])

Generate null maps for data using method from [SN7] and [SN8].

neuromaps.nulls.moran(data[, atlas, ...])

Generate null maps for data using method from [SN9].

neuromaps.parcellate - Parcellation utilities

Functionality for parcellating data.

neuromaps.parcellate.Parcellater(...[, ...])

Class for parcellating arbitrary volumetric / surface data.

neuromaps.plotting - Plotting functions

Functionality for plotting.

neuromaps.plotting.plot_surf_template(data, ...)

Plot data on template surface.

neuromaps.points - Triangle mesh utilities

Functions for working with triangle meshes + surfaces.

neuromaps.points.make_surf_graph(vertices, faces)

Construct adjacency graph from surf.


Calculate surface distance for vertices in surface.

neuromaps.resampling - Resampling workflows

Functions for comparing data.

neuromaps.resampling.resample_images(src, ...)

Resample images src and trg to same space/density with resampling method.

neuromaps.stats - Statistical functions

Functions for statistical analyses.

neuromaps.stats.compare_images(src, trg[, ...])

Compare images src and trg.

neuromaps.stats.permtest_metric(a, b[, ...])

Generate non-parameteric p-value of a and b for metric.

neuromaps.transforms - Transformations between spaces

Functionality for transforming files between spaces.

neuromaps.transforms.mni152_to_civet(img[, ...])

Project img in MNI152 space to CIVET surface.


Project img in MNI152 space to fsaverage surface.

neuromaps.transforms.mni152_to_fslr(img[, ...])

Project img in MNI152 space to fsLR surface.

neuromaps.transforms.mni152_to_mni152(img[, ...])

Resample img to target image (if supplied) or target resolution.

neuromaps.transforms.civet_to_fslr(data[, ...])

Resample data on CIVET surface to the fsLR surface.

neuromaps.transforms.fslr_to_civet(data[, ...])

Resample data on fsLR surface to the CIVET surface.


Resample data on CIVET surface to the fsaverage surface.


Resample data on fsaverage surface to the CIVET surface.

neuromaps.transforms.civet_to_civet(data[, ...])

Resample data on CIVET surface to new density.


Resample data on fsLR surface to the fsaverage surface.


Resample data on fsaverage surface to the fsLR surface.

neuromaps.transforms.fslr_to_fslr(data[, ...])

Resample data on fsLR surface to new density.


Resample data on fsaverage surface to new density.