Reference API

neuromaps.datasets - Dataset fetchers

Functions for fetching datasets.

Functions to show all available annotations


List datasets available via fetch_annotation().


Return available tags for querying annotations.

Functions to fetch and describe the annotations

neuromaps.datasets.fetch_annotation(*[, ...])

Download files for brain annotations matching requested variables.


Return detailed descriptions for annotations as a pandas dataframe.

Functions to fetch the atlases

neuromaps.datasets.fetch_atlas(atlas, density)

Fetch specified atlas and density.

neuromaps.datasets.fetch_civet([density, ...])

Fetch CIVET surface atlas.


Fetch fsaverage surface atlas.

neuromaps.datasets.fetch_fslr([density, ...])

Fetch fsLR surface atlas.

neuromaps.datasets.fetch_mni152([density, ...])

Fetch MNI152 atlas.

neuromaps.datasets.fetch_regfusion(atlas[, ...])

Fetch regfusion inputs for mapping MNI152 to specified surface atlas.


Fetch (and cache) all available atlases.

neuromaps.datasets.get_atlas_dir(atlas[, ...])

Return filepath to specified atlas.

neuromaps.images - Image and surface handling

Functions for operating on images + surfaces.

Functions to load the images and surfaces


Load gifti file img.


Load nifti file img.

Functions to convert surfaces to GIFTI format


Update GIFTI images so label IDs are consecutive across hemispheres.


Convert FreeSurfer-style annotation parcellation files to GIFTI images.


Convert CIFTI dlabel file to GIFTI images.

neuromaps.images.obj_to_gifti(obj[, fn])

Convert CIVET obj surface file to GIFTI format.

neuromaps.images.fssurf_to_gifti(surf[, fn])

Convert FreeSurfer surf surface file to GIFTI format.

neuromaps.images.fsmorph_to_gifti(morph[, ...])

Convert FreeSurfer morph data file to GIFTI format.

Functions to work with surfaces


Generate average surface from input surfs.

neuromaps.images.interp_surface(data, src, trg)

Interpolate data on src surface to trg surface.


Calculate vertex areas from surface file.

neuromaps.nulls - Null models

Functions for computing null models.

Spatial permutation null models (for surface images only)

neuromaps.nulls.alexander_bloch(data[, ...])

Generate null maps from data using method from [SN1].

neuromaps.nulls.vazquez_rodriguez(data[, ...])

Generate null maps from data using method from [SN1].

neuromaps.nulls.vasa(data[, atlas, density, ...])

Generate null maps for parcellated data using method from [SN2].

neuromaps.nulls.hungarian(data[, atlas, ...])

Generate null maps for parcellated data using the Hungarian method ([SN3]).

neuromaps.nulls.baum(data[, atlas, density, ...])

Generate null maps for parcellated data using method from [SN4].

neuromaps.nulls.cornblath(data[, atlas, ...])

Generate null maps for parcellated data using method from [SN5].

Parametric spatial null models (for volumetric and surface images)

neuromaps.nulls.burt2018(data[, atlas, ...])

Generate null maps for data using method from [SN6].

neuromaps.nulls.burt2020(data[, atlas, ...])

Generate null maps for data using method from [SN7] and [SN8].

neuromaps.nulls.moran(data[, atlas, ...])

Generate null maps for data using method from [SN9].

neuromaps.parcellate - Parcellation utilities

Functionality for parcellating data.

neuromaps.parcellate.Parcellater(...[, ...])

Class for parcellating arbitrary volumetric / surface data.

neuromaps.plotting - Plotting functions

Functionality for plotting.

neuromaps.plotting.plot_surf_template(data, ...)

Plot data on template surface.

neuromaps.points - Triangle mesh utilities

Functions for working with triangle meshes + surfaces.

neuromaps.points.make_surf_graph(vertices, faces)

Construct adjacency graph from surf.


Calculate surface distance for vertices in surface.

neuromaps.resampling - Resampling workflows

Functions for comparing data.

neuromaps.resampling.resample_images(src, ...)

Resample images src and trg to same space/density with resampling method.

neuromaps.stats - Statistical functions

Functions for statistical analyses.

neuromaps.stats.compare_images(src, trg[, ...])

Compare images src and trg.

neuromaps.stats.permtest_metric(a, b[, ...])

Generate non-parameteric p-value of a and b for metric.

neuromaps.transforms - Transformations between spaces

Functionality for transforming files between spaces.

Volume-to-surface transformations

neuromaps.transforms.mni152_to_civet(img[, ...])

Project img in MNI152 space to CIVET surface.


Project img in MNI152 space to fsaverage surface.

neuromaps.transforms.mni152_to_fslr(img[, ...])

Project img in MNI152 space to fsLR surface.

Volume-to-volume transformations

neuromaps.transforms.mni152_to_mni152(img[, ...])

Resample img to target image (if supplied) or target resolution.

Surface-to-surface transformations

neuromaps.transforms.civet_to_fslr(data[, ...])

Resample data on CIVET surface to the fsLR surface.

neuromaps.transforms.fslr_to_civet(data[, ...])

Resample data on fsLR surface to the CIVET surface.


Resample data on CIVET surface to the fsaverage surface.


Resample data on fsaverage surface to the CIVET surface.

neuromaps.transforms.civet_to_civet(data[, ...])

Resample data on CIVET surface to new density.


Resample data on fsLR surface to the fsaverage surface.


Resample data on fsaverage surface to the fsLR surface.

neuromaps.transforms.fslr_to_fslr(data[, ...])

Resample data on fsLR surface to new density.


Resample data on fsaverage surface to new density.