Citing neuromaps

We’re thrilled you’ve found neuromaps useful in your work! Please cite the following manuscripts when referencing your use of the toolbox:

  1. Markello, RD, Hansen, JY, Liu, ZQ, Bazinet, V, Shafiei, G, Suarez, LE, Blostein, N, Seidlitz, J, Baillet, S, Satterthwaite, TD, Chakravarty, MM, Raznahan, A, Misic, B. (2022). neuromaps: structural and functional interpretation of brain maps. Nature Methods. doi:10.1038/s41592-022-01625-w

  2. If you use volume-to-surface transformations (registration fusion), please cite Buckner et al 2011 (original proposition) and Wu et al 2018 (first implementation of MNI152 to fsaverage transformation).

  3. If you use surface-to-surface transformations (multimodal surface matching), please cite Robinson et al 2014 and Robinson et al 2018.

4. If you use data included in neuromaps, please cite the the original papers that publish the data. A table with references for each brain map can be found in our wiki, or more specifically, at this link. 5. If you use the spatial null models, there is an associated citation with each type of null model. They can be found in the docstring of the function, and also here.

Additionally, to cite the specific version of the toolbox used in your analyses you can use the following Zenodo reference:

neuromaps available from: 10.5281/zenodo.5842498.

For more information about why citing software is important please refer to this article from the Software Sustainability Institute.