Source code for neuromaps.images

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Functions for operating on images + surfaces."""

import gzip
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable

import nibabel as nib
from nibabel.filebasedimages import ImageFileError
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

    'unknown', 'corpuscallosum', 'Background+FreeSurfer_Defined_Medial_Wall',
    '???', 'Unknown', 'Medial_wall', 'Medial wall', 'medial_wall'

def construct_surf_gii(vert, tri):
    Construct surface gifti image from `vert` and `tri`.

    vert : (N, 3)
        Vertices of surface mesh
    tri : (T, 3)
        Triangles comprising surface mesh

    img : nib.gifti.GiftiImage
        Surface image
    vert = nib.gifti.GiftiDataArray(vert, 'NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET',
                                    coordsys=nib.gifti.GiftiCoordSystem(3, 3))
    tri = nib.gifti.GiftiDataArray(tri, 'NIFTI_INTENT_TRIANGLE',
    img = nib.GiftiImage(darrays=[vert, tri])

    return img

def construct_shape_gii(data, names=None, intent='NIFTI_INTENT_SHAPE',
    Construct shape gifti image from `data`.

    data : (N[, F]) array_like
        Input data (where `F` corresponds to different features, if applicable)

    img : nib.gifti.GiftiImage
        Shape image
    intent_dtypes = {
        'NIFTI_INTENT_SHAPE': 'float32',
        'NIFTI_INTENT_LABEL': 'int32'
    dtype = intent_dtypes.get(intent, 'float32')

    if data.ndim == 1:
        data = data[:, None]
    if names is not None:
        if len(names) != data.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError('Length of provided `names` does not match '
                             'number of features in `data`')
        names = [{'Name': name} for name in names]
        names = [{} for _ in range(data.shape[1])]

    labeltable = None
    if labels is not None and intent == 'NIFTI_INTENT_LABEL':
        labeltable = nib.gifti.GiftiLabelTable()
        for key, label in enumerate(labels):
            glabel = nib.gifti.GiftiLabel(key)
            glabel.label = label

    return nib.GiftiImage(darrays=[
        nib.gifti.GiftiDataArray(darr.astype(dtype), intent=intent,
        for darr, meta in zip(data.T, names)
    ], labeltable=labeltable)

def fix_coordsys(fn, val=3):
    Set {xform,data}space of coordsys for GIFTI image `fn` to `val`.

    fn : str or os.PathLike
        Path to GIFTI image

    fn : os.PathLike
        Path to GIFTI image
    fn = Path(fn)
    img = nib.load(fn)
    for attr in ('dataspace', 'xformspace'):
        setattr(img.darrays[0].coordsys, attr, val), fn)
    return fn

[docs]def load_nifti(img): """ Load nifti file `img`. If `img` is already a loaded (i.e. is a nib.Nifti1Image object), it is returned as-is. Parameters ---------- img : os.PathLike or nib.Nifti1Image object Image to be loaded Returns ------- img : nib.Nifti1Image Loaded NIFTI image """ try: img = nib.load(img) except (TypeError) as err: if not ("os.PathLike" in str(err) and "not Nifti1Image" in str(err)): raise err return img
[docs]def load_gifti(img): """ Load gifti file `img`. Will try to gunzip `img` if gzip is detected, and will pass pre-loaded GiftiImage object Parameters ---------- img : os.PathLike or nib.GiftiImage object Image to be loaded Returns ------- img : nib.GiftiImage Loaded GIFTI images """ try: img = nib.load(img) except (ImageFileError, TypeError) as err: # it's gzipped, so read the gzip and pipe it in if isinstance(err, ImageFileError) and str(err).endswith('.gii.gz"'): with gzip.GzipFile(img) as gz: img = nib.GiftiImage.from_bytes( # it's not a pre-loaded GiftiImage so error out elif (isinstance(err, TypeError) and not ( "os.PathLike" in str(err) and "not GiftiImage" in str(err) ) ): raise err return img
def load_data(data): """ Load and stack `data` images (gifti / nifti) into numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- data: path_like or niimg_like or giimg_like or array_like or tuple Data images to be loaded. `data` can be a path-like object (`str` or `os.PathLike`) pointing to an image file, a volumetric image (niimg_like, e.g. nib.Nifti1Image) or a surface-based image (giimg_like, e.g. nib.GiftiImage). If `data` is already parcellated (array-like), it is converted to an array and returned as-is. Images stored in a tuple will be loaded into numpy arrays, then stacked. Returns ------- out : np.ndarray Loaded `data` """ if (isinstance(data, (str, os.PathLike, np.ndarray)) or not isinstance(data, Iterable)): data = (data,) try: # giimg_like or path_like (gifti) out = np.hstack([load_gifti(img).agg_data() for img in data]) except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError, OSError) as err: # niimg_like or path_like (nifti) if (isinstance(err, AttributeError) or ( "os.PathLike" in str(err) and "not Nifti1Image" in str(err) ) ): out = np.stack([load_nifti(img).get_fdata() for img in data], axis=3) # array_like (parcellated) else: data = np.asarray(data) if'float', 'int')): out = np.stack(data, axis=-1) else: raise err return np.squeeze(out)
[docs]def obj_to_gifti(obj, fn=None): """ Convert CIVET `obj` surface file to GIFTI format. Parameters ---------- obj : str or os.PathLike CIVET file to be converted fn : str or os.PathLike, None Output filename. If not supplied uses input `obj` filename (with appropriate suffix). Default: None Returns ------- fn : os.PathLike Path to saved image file """ from neuromaps.civet import read_civet_surf img = construct_surf_gii(*read_civet_surf(Path(obj))) if fn is None: fn = obj fn = Path(fn).resolve() if'.obj'): fn = fn.parent /'.obj', '.surf.gii'), fn) return fn
[docs]def fssurf_to_gifti(surf, fn=None): """ Convert FreeSurfer `surf` surface file to GIFTI format. Parameters ---------- obj : str or os.PathLike FreeSurfer surface file to be converted fn : str or os.PathLike, None Output filename. If not supplied uses input `surf` filename (with appropriate suffix). Default: None Returns ------- fn : os.PathLike Path to saved image file """ img = construct_surf_gii(*nib.freesurfer.read_geometry(Path(surf))) if fn is None: fn = surf + '.surf.gii' fn = Path(fn), fn) return fn
[docs]def fsmorph_to_gifti(morph, fn=None, modifier=None): """ Convert FreeSurfer `morph` data file to GIFTI format. Parameters ---------- obj : str or os.PathLike FreeSurfer morph file to be converted fn : str or os.PathLike, None Output filename. If not supplied uses input `morph` filename (with appropriate suffix). Default: None modifier : float, optional Scalar factor to modify (multiply) the morphometric data. Default: None Returns ------- fn : os.PathLike Path to saved image file """ data = nib.freesurfer.read_morph_data(Path(morph)) if modifier is not None: data *= float(modifier) img = construct_shape_gii(data) if fn is None: fn = morph + '.shape.gii' fn = Path(fn), fn) return fn
[docs]def interp_surface(data, src, trg, method='nearest'): """ Interpolate `data` on `src` surface to `trg` surface. Parameters ---------- data : str or os.PathLike Path to (gifti) data file defined on `src` surface src : str or os.PathLike Path to (gifti) file defining surface of `data` trg : str or os.PathLike Path to (gifti) file defining desired output surface method : {'nearest', 'linear'} Method for interpolation. Default {'nearest'} Returns ------- interp : np.ndarray Input `data` interpolated to `trg` surface """ if method not in ('nearest', 'linear'): raise ValueError(f'Provided method {method} invalid') src = load_gifti(src).agg_data('NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET') data = load_gifti(data).agg_data() if len(src) != len(data): raise ValueError('Provided `src` file has different number of ' 'vertices from `data` file') trg = load_gifti(trg).agg_data('NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET') return griddata(src, data, trg, method=method)
[docs]def vertex_areas(surface): """ Calculate vertex areas from `surface` file. Vertex area is calculated as the sum of 1/3 the area of each triangle in which the vertex participates Parameters ---------- surface : str or os.PathLike Path to (gifti) file defining surface for which areas should be computed Returns ------- areas : np.ndarray Vertex areas """ vert, tri = load_gifti(surface).agg_data() vectors = np.diff(vert[tri], axis=1) cross = np.cross(vectors[:, 0], vectors[:, 1]) triareas = (np.sqrt(np.sum(cross ** 2, axis=1)) * 0.5) / 3 areas = np.bincount(tri.flatten(), weights=np.repeat(triareas, 3)) return areas
[docs]def average_surfaces(*surfs): """ Generate average surface from input `surfs`. Parameters ---------- surfs : str or os.PathLike Path to (gifti) surfaces to be averaged. Surfaces should be aligned! Returns ------- average : nib.gifti.GiftiImage Averaged surface """ n_surfs = len(surfs) vertices = triangles = None for surf in surfs: img = load_gifti(surf) vert = img.agg_data('NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET') if vertices is None: vertices = np.zeros_like(vert) if triangles is None: triangles = img.agg_data('NIFTI_INTENT_TRIANGLE') vertices += vert vertices /= n_surfs return construct_surf_gii(vertices, triangles)
def _relabel(labels, minval=0, bgval=None): """ Relabel `labels` so that they're consecutive. Parameters ---------- labels : (N,) array_like Labels to be re-labelled minval : int, optional What the new minimum value of the labels should be. Default: 0 bgval : int, optional What the background value should be; the new labels will start at `minval` but the first value of these labels (i.e., labels == `minval`) will be set to `bgval`. Default: None Returns ------- labels : (N,) np.ndarray New labels """ labels = np.unique(labels, return_inverse=True)[-1] + minval if bgval is not None: labels[labels == minval] = bgval return labels
[docs]def relabel_gifti(parcellation, background=None, offset=None): """ Update GIFTI images so label IDs are consecutive across hemispheres. Parameters ---------- parcellation : (2,) tuple-of-str Surface label files in GIFTI format (lh.label.gii, rh.label.gii) background : list-of-str, optional If provided, a list of IDs in `parcellation` that should be set to 0 (the presumptive background value). Other IDs will be shifted so they are consecutive (i.e., 0--N). If not specified will use labels in `neuromaps.images.PARCIGNORE`. Default: None offset : int, optional What the lowest value in `parcellation[1]` should be not including background value. If not specified it will be purely consecutive from `parcellation[0]`. Default: None Returns ------- relabelled : (2,) tuple-of-nib.gifti.GiftiImage Re-labelled `parcellation` files """ relabelled = tuple() minval = 0 if not isinstance(parcellation, tuple): parcellation = (parcellation,) if background is None: background = PARCIGNORE.copy() for hemi in parcellation: # get necessary info from file img = load_gifti(hemi) data = img.agg_data().copy() labels = img.labeltable.labels lt = {v: k for k, v in img.labeltable.get_labels_as_dict().items()} # get rid of labels we want to drop if background is not None and len(labels) > 0: for val in background: idx = lt.get(val, 0) if idx == 0: continue data[data == idx] = 0 labels = [f for f in labels if f.key != idx] # reset labels so they're consecutive and update label keys data = _relabel(np.clip(data, 0, None), minval=minval, bgval=0) ids = np.unique(data) new_labels = [] if len(labels) > 0: for n, i in enumerate(ids): lab = labels[n] lab.key = i new_labels.append(lab) minval = len(ids) - 1 if offset is None else int(offset) - 1 # make new gifti image with updated information darr = nib.gifti.GiftiDataArray(data, intent='NIFTI_INTENT_LABEL', datatype='NIFTI_TYPE_INT32') labeltable = nib.gifti.GiftiLabelTable() labeltable.labels = new_labels img = nib.GiftiImage(darrays=[darr], labeltable=labeltable) relabelled += (img,) return relabelled
[docs]def annot_to_gifti(parcellation, background=None): """ Convert FreeSurfer-style annotation `parcellation` files to GIFTI images. Parameters ---------- parcellation : tuple of str or os.PathLike Paths to surface annotation files (.annot) background : list-of-str, optional If provided, a list of IDs in `parcellation` that should be set to 0 (the presumptive background value). Other IDs will be shifted so they are consecutive (i.e., 0--N). If not specified will use labels in `neuromaps.images.PARCIGNORE`. Default: None Returns ------- gifti : tuple-of-nib.GiftiImage Converted GIFTI images """ if not isinstance(parcellation, tuple): parcellation = (parcellation,) gifti = tuple() for atlas in parcellation: labels, ctab, names = nib.freesurfer.read_annot(atlas) darr = nib.gifti.GiftiDataArray(labels, intent='NIFTI_INTENT_LABEL', datatype='NIFTI_TYPE_INT32') labeltable = nib.gifti.GiftiLabelTable() for key, label in enumerate(names): (r, g, b), a = (ctab[key, :3] / 255), (1.0 if key != 0 else 0.0) glabel = nib.gifti.GiftiLabel(key, r, g, b, a) glabel.label = label.decode() labeltable.labels.append(glabel) gifti += (nib.GiftiImage(darrays=[darr], labeltable=labeltable),) return relabel_gifti(gifti, background=background)
[docs]def dlabel_to_gifti(parcellation): """ Convert CIFTI dlabel file to GIFTI images. Parameters ---------- parcellation : str or os.PathLike Path to CIFTI parcellation file (.dlabel.nii) Returns ------- gifti : tuple-of-nib.GiftiImage Converted GIFTI images """ structures = ('CORTEX_LEFT', 'CORTEX_RIGHT') dlabel = nib.load(parcellation) parcdata = np.asarray(dlabel.get_fdata(), dtype='int32').squeeze() gifti = tuple() label_dict = dlabel.header.get_axis(index=0).label[0] for bm in dlabel.header.get_index_map(1).brain_models: structure = bm.brain_structure if structure.startswith('CIFTI_STRUCTURE_'): structure = structure[16:] if structure not in structures: continue labels = np.zeros(bm.surface_number_of_vertices, dtype='int32') idx = np.asarray(bm.vertex_indices) slicer = slice(bm.index_offset, bm.index_offset + bm.index_count) labels[idx] = parcdata[slicer] darr = nib.gifti.GiftiDataArray(labels, intent='NIFTI_INTENT_LABEL', datatype='NIFTI_TYPE_INT32') labeltable = nib.gifti.GiftiLabelTable() for key, (label, (r, g, b, a)) in label_dict.items(): if key not in labels: continue glabel = nib.gifti.GiftiLabel(key, r, g, b, a) glabel.label = label labeltable.labels.append(glabel) gifti += (nib.GiftiImage(darrays=[darr], labeltable=labeltable),) return gifti
def minc_to_nifti(img, fn=None): """ Convert MINC `img` to NIfTI format (and re-orients to RAS). Parameters ---------- img : str or os.PathLike Path to MINC file to be converted fn : str or os.PathLike, optional Filepath to where converted NIfTI image should be stored. If not supplied the converted image is not saved to disk and is returned. Default: None Returns ------- out : nib.Nifti1Image or os.PathLike Converted image (if `fn` is None) or path to saved file on disk """ mnc = nib.load(img) nifti = nib.Nifti1Image(np.asarray(mnc.dataobj), mnc.affine) # re-orient nifti image RAS orig_ornt = nib.io_orientation(nifti.affine) targ_ornt = nib.orientations.axcodes2ornt('RAS') transform = nib.orientations.ornt_transform(orig_ornt, targ_ornt) nifti = nifti.as_reoriented(transform) # save file (if desired) if fn is not None: fn = Path(fn).resolve() if'.mnc'): fn = fn.parent /'.mnc', '.nii.gz'), fn) return fn return nifti