Source code for neuromaps.nulls.nulls

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Functionality for running spatial null models."""

import os
import tempfile
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from packaging import version
    import brainsmash
    from brainsmash.mapgen import Base, Sampled
    _brainsmash_avail = True
except ImportError:
    _brainsmash_avail = False
    from brainspace.null_models.moran import MoranRandomization
    _brainspace_avail = True
except ImportError:
    _brainspace_avail = False

from neuromaps.datasets import fetch_atlas
from neuromaps.datasets.atlases import _sanitize_atlas
from neuromaps.images import load_data, load_nifti, PARCIGNORE
from neuromaps.points import get_surface_distance
from neuromaps.transforms import mni152_to_mni152
from neuromaps.nulls.burt import batch_surrogates
from neuromaps.nulls.spins import (gen_spinsamples, get_parcel_centroids,
                                   load_spins, spin_data, spin_parcels)
HEMI = dict(left='L', lh='L', right='R', rh='R')

_nulls_input_docs = dict(
data : array_like or path_like or giimg_like or tuple
    Input data from which to generate null maps. If None is provided then
    the resampling array will be returned instead. When a parcellation is
    provided, the data must be parcellated and array-like. Otherwise, the data
    must be a surface-based image (giimg_like, e.g. nib.GiftiImage) or a
    path-like object (`str` or `os.PathLike`) pointing to an image file.\
data : (N,) array_like
    Input data from which to generate null maps. The data must be
    parcellated and array-like. If None is provided then the resampling array
    will be returned instead.\
data : (N,) array_like
    Input data from which to generate null maps. The data must be
    parcellated and array-like.\
data : array_like or path_like or niimg_like or giimg_like or tuple
    Input data from which to generate null maps. When a parcellation is
    provided, the data must be parcellated and array-like. Otherwise, the data
    can either be a volumetric image (niimg_like, e.g. nib.Nifti1Image) or a
    surface-based image (giimg_like, e.g. nib.GiftiImage). Alternatively, it
    can be a path-like object (`str` or `os.PathLike`) pointing to an image
atlas : {'fsLR', 'fsaverage', 'civet'}, optional
    Name of surface atlas on which `data` are defined. Default: 'fsaverage'
density : str, optional
    Density of surface mesh on which `data` are defined. Must be
    compatible with specified `atlas`. Default: '10k'\
atlas : {'fsLR', 'fsaverage', 'civet', 'mni152'}, optional
    Name of atlas on which `data` are defined. Default: 'fsaverage'
density : str, optional
    Density of atlas on which `data` are defined. Must be
    compatible with specified `atlas`. Default: '10k'\
parcellation : tuple-of-str or os.PathLike, optional
    Filepaths to parcellation images ([left, right] hemisphere) mapping `data`
    to atlas specified by `atlas` and `density`. Should only be supplied
    if `data` represents a parcellated null map. Default: None\
n_perm : int, optional
    Number of null maps or permutations to generate. Default: 1000\
seed : {int, np.random.RandomState instance, None}, optional
    Seed for random number generation. Default: None\
spins : array_like or str or os.PathLike
    Filepath to or pre-loaded resampling array. If not specified spins are
    generated. Default: None\
surfaces : tuple-of-str or os.PathLike, optional
    Instead of specifying `atlas` and `density` this specifies the surface
    files on which `data` are defined. Providing this will override arguments
    supplied to `atlas` and `density`. Default: None
n_proc : int, optional
    Number of processors to use for parallelizing computations. If negative
    will use max available processors plus 1 minus the specified number.
    Default: 1 (no parallelization)\
distmat : tuple-of-str or os.PathLike, optional
    Filepaths to pre-computed (left, right) surface distance matrices.
    Providing this will cause `atlas`, `density`, and `parcellation` to be
    ignored. Default: None\
tempdir: os.PathLike, optional
    Directory specifying where the temporary distance matrix computed when
    generating volumetric nulls without parcellations should be stored. If
    None, a default directory is used. Default: None\
kwargs : key-value pairs
    Other keyword arguments passed directly to the underlying null method
nulls : np.ndarray
    Generated null distribution, where each column represents a unique null

[docs]def alexander_bloch(data, atlas='fsaverage', density='10k', parcellation=None, # noqa: D103 n_perm=1000, seed=None, spins=None, surfaces=None): if spins is None: if surfaces is None: surfaces = fetch_atlas(atlas, density)['sphere'] coords, hemi = get_parcel_centroids(surfaces, parcellation=parcellation, method='surface') spins = gen_spinsamples(coords, hemi, n_rotate=n_perm, seed=seed) spins = load_spins(spins) if data is None: data = np.arange(len(spins)) return load_data(data)[spins]
alexander_bloch.__doc__ = """\ Generate null maps from `data` using method from [SN1]_. Method projects data to a spherical surface and uses arbitrary rotations to generate null distribution. If `data` are parcellated then parcel centroids are projected to surface and parcels are reassigned based on minimum distances. Parameters ---------- {data_or_none_surface} {atlas_density_surface} {parcellation} {n_perm} {seed} {spins} {surfaces} Returns ------- {nulls} References ---------- .. [SN1] Alexander-Bloch, A., Shou, H., Liu, S., Satterthwaite, T. D., Glahn, D. C., Shinohara, R. T., Vandekar, S. N., & Raznahan, A. (2018). On testing for spatial correspondence between maps of human brain structure and function. NeuroImage, 178, 540-51. """.format(**_nulls_input_docs) vazquez_rodriguez = alexander_bloch
[docs]def vasa(data, atlas='fsaverage', density='10k', parcellation=None, # noqa: D103 n_perm=1000, seed=None, spins=None, surfaces=None): if parcellation is None: raise ValueError('Cannot use `vasa()` null method without specifying ' 'a parcellation. Use `alexander_bloch() instead if ' 'working with unparcellated surface data.') if spins is None: if surfaces is None: surfaces = fetch_atlas(atlas, density)['sphere'] coords, hemi = get_parcel_centroids(surfaces, parcellation=parcellation, method='surface') spins = gen_spinsamples(coords, hemi, method='vasa', n_rotate=n_perm, seed=seed) spins = load_spins(spins) if data is None: data = np.arange(len(spins)) return load_data(data)[spins]
vasa.__doc__ = """\ Generate null maps for parcellated `data` using method from [SN2]_. Method projects parcels to a spherical surface and uses arbitrary rotations with iterative reassignments to generate null distribution. All nulls are "perfect" permutations of the input data (at the slight expense of spatial topology) Parameters ---------- {data_or_none_parcel} {atlas_density_surface} {parcellation} {n_perm} {seed} {spins} {surfaces} Returns ------- {nulls} References ---------- .. [SN2] Váša, F., Seidlitz, J., Romero-Garcia, R., Whitaker, K. J., Rosenthal, G., Vértes, P. E., ... & Jones, P. B. (2018). Adolescent tuning of association cortex in human structural brain networks. Cerebral Cortex, 28(1), 281-294. """.format(**_nulls_input_docs)
[docs]def hungarian(data, atlas='fsaverage', density='10k', parcellation=None, # noqa: D103 n_perm=1000, seed=None, spins=None, surfaces=None): if parcellation is None: raise ValueError('Cannot use `hungarian()` null method without ' 'specifying a parcellation. Use `alexander_bloch() ' 'instead if working with unparcellated surface data.') if spins is None: if surfaces is None: surfaces = fetch_atlas(atlas, density)['sphere'] coords, hemi = get_parcel_centroids(surfaces, parcellation=parcellation, method='surface') spins = gen_spinsamples(coords, hemi, method='hungarian', n_rotate=n_perm, seed=seed) spins = load_spins(spins) if data is None: data = np.arange(len(spins)) return load_data(data)[spins]
hungarian.__doc__ = """\ Generate null maps for parcellated `data` using the Hungarian method ([SN3]_). Method projects parcels to a spherical surface and uses arbitrary rotations with reassignments based on optimization via the Hungarian method to generate null distribution. All nulls are "perfect" permutations of the input data (at the slight expense of spatial topology) Parameters ---------- {data_or_none_parcel} {atlas_density_surface} {parcellation} {n_perm} {seed} {spins} {surfaces} Returns ------- {nulls} References ---------- .. [SN3] Kuhn, H. W. (1955). The Hungarian method for the assignment problem. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 2(1‐2), 83-97. """.format(**_nulls_input_docs)
[docs]def baum(data, atlas='fsaverage', density='10k', parcellation=None, # noqa: D103 n_perm=1000, seed=None, spins=None, surfaces=None): if parcellation is None: raise ValueError('Cannot use `baum()` null method without specifying ' 'a parcellation. Use `alexander_bloch() instead if ' 'working with unparcellated surface data.') if surfaces is None: surfaces = fetch_atlas(atlas, density)['sphere'] spins = spin_parcels(surfaces, parcellation, n_rotate=n_perm, spins=spins, seed=seed) if data is None: data = np.arange(len(spins)) data = load_data(data) nulls = data[spins] nulls[spins == -1] = np.nan return nulls
baum.__doc__ = """\ Generate null maps for parcellated `data` using method from [SN4]_. Method projects `data` to spherical surface and uses arbitrary rotations to generate null distributions. Reassigned parcels are based on the most common (i.e., modal) value of the vertices in each parcel within the the rotated data Parameters ---------- {data_or_none_parcel} {atlas_density_surface} {parcellation} {n_perm} {seed} {spins} {surfaces} Returns ------- {nulls} References ---------- .. [SN4] Baum, G. L., Cui, Z., Roalf, D. R., Ciric, R., Betzel, R. F., Larsen, B., ... & Satterthwaite, T. D. (2020). Development of structure–function coupling in human brain networks during youth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(1), 771-778. """.format(**_nulls_input_docs)
[docs]def cornblath(data, atlas='fsaverage', density='10k', parcellation=None, # noqa: D103 n_perm=1000, seed=None, spins=None, surfaces=None): if parcellation is None: raise ValueError('Cannot use `cornblath()` null method without ' 'specifying a parcellation. Use `alexander_bloch() ' 'instead if working with unparcellated surface data.') data = load_data(data) if surfaces is None: surfaces = fetch_atlas(atlas, density)['sphere'] nulls = spin_data(data, surfaces, parcellation, n_rotate=n_perm, spins=spins, seed=seed) return nulls
cornblath.__doc__ = """\ Generate null maps for parcellated `data` using method from [SN5]_. Method projects `data` to spherical surface and uses arbitrary rotations to generate null distributions. Reassigned parcels are based on the average value of the vertices in each parcel within the rotated data Parameters ---------- {data_parcel} {atlas_density_surface} {parcellation} {n_perm} {seed} {spins} {surfaces} Returns ------- {nulls} References ---------- .. [SN5] Cornblath, E. J., Ashourvan, A., Kim, J. Z., Betzel, R. F., Ciric, R., Adebimpe, A., ... & Bassett, D. S. (2020). Temporal sequences of brain activity at rest are constrained by white matter structure and modulated by cognitive demands. Communications biology, 3(1), 1-12. """.format(**_nulls_input_docs) def _get_distmat(hemisphere, atlas='fsaverage', density='10k', # noqa: D103 parcellation=None, drop=None, n_proc=1): hemi = HEMI.get(hemisphere, hemisphere) if hemi not in ('L', 'R'): raise ValueError(f'Invalid hemishere designation {hemisphere}') if drop is None: drop = PARCIGNORE atlas = fetch_atlas(atlas, density) surf, medial = getattr(atlas['pial'], hemi), getattr(atlas['medial'], hemi) if parcellation is None: dist = get_surface_distance(surf, medial=medial, n_proc=n_proc) else: dist = get_surface_distance(surf, parcellation=parcellation, medial_labels=drop, drop=drop, n_proc=n_proc) return dist _get_distmat.__doc__ = """\ Generate surface distance matrix for specified `hemisphere`. If `parcellation` is provided then the returned distance matrix will be a parcel-parcel matrix. Parameters ---------- hemisphere : {{'L', 'R'}} Hemisphere of surface from which to generate distance matrix {atlas_density_surface} {parcellation} drop : list-of-str, optional If `parcellation` is not None, which parcels should be ignored / dropped from the generate distance matrix. If not specified will ignore parcels generally indicative of the medial wall. Default: None {n_proc} Returns ------- dist : (N, N) np.ndarray Surface distance matrix between vertices. If a `parcellation` is specified then this will be the parcel-parcel distance matrix, where the distance between parcels is the average distance between all constituent vertices """.format(**_nulls_input_docs) def _surf_surrogates(data, atlas, density, parcellation, distmat, n_proc, **kwargs): data = load_data(data) if parcellation is None: parcellation = (None, None) for n, (hemi, parc) in enumerate(zip(('L', 'R'), parcellation)): if distmat is None: dist = _get_distmat(hemi, atlas=atlas, density=density, parcellation=parc, n_proc=n_proc) else: dist = distmat[n] if parc is None: idx = np.arange(n * (len(data) // 2), (n + 1) * (len(data) // 2)) else: idx = np.trim_zeros(np.unique(load_data(parc))) - 1 hdata = np.squeeze(data[idx]) med = np.isinf(dist + np.diag([np.inf] * len(dist))).all(axis=1) mask = np.logical_not(np.logical_or(np.isnan(hdata), med)) yield hdata[mask], dist[np.ix_(mask, mask)], None, idx[mask] def _vol_surrogates(data, atlas, density, parcellation, distmat, tempdir=None, **kwargs): if atlas != 'MNI152': raise ValueError('Cannot compute volumetric surrogates if atlas is ' f'not "MNI152". Received: {atlas}') if parcellation is not None: try: data = np.asarray(data, dtype='float32').squeeze() except (TypeError, ValueError) as err: msg = ('`data` must be array_like and represent a ' 'parcellated brain map when `parcellation` is not ' '"None"') raise TypeError(msg) from err if data.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Brain map must be one-dimensional. Got shape ' f'{data.shape}') atlas = fetch_atlas(atlas, density) # get data + coordinates of valid datapoints if parcellation is None: darr = load_data(data) if nib.load(atlas['2009cAsym_T1w']).shape == darr.shape: bmask = atlas['2009cAsym_brainmask'] elif (density in ('1mm', '2mm') and nib.load(atlas['6Asym_T1w']).shape == darr.shape): bmask = atlas['6Asym_brainmask'] else: bmask = mni152_to_mni152(nib.load(atlas['2009cAsym_brainmask']), data, 'nearest') darr *= load_data(bmask) affine = load_nifti(bmask).affine else: darr = load_data(parcellation) affine = load_nifti(parcellation).affine labels = np.trim_zeros(np.unique(darr)) mask = np.logical_not(np.logical_or(np.isclose(darr, 0), np.isnan(darr))) xyz = nib.affines.apply_affine(affine, np.column_stack(np.where(mask))) # calculate distance matrix index = None if distmat is None: if parcellation is None: # memmap because BIG distout = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.mmap', dir=tempdir) dist = np.memmap(distout, mode='w+', dtype='float32', shape=(len(xyz), len(xyz))) indout = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.mmap', dir=tempdir) index = np.memmap(indout, mode='w+', dtype='int32', shape=(len(xyz), len(xyz))) for n, row in enumerate(xyz): xyz_dist = cdist(row[None], xyz).astype('float32') index[n] = np.argsort(xyz_dist, axis=-1).astype('int32') dist[n] = xyz_dist[:, index[n]] dist.flush() index.flush() else: parcellation = darr[mask] row_dist = np.zeros((len(xyz), len(labels)), dtype='float32') dist = np.zeros((len(labels), len(labels)), dtype='float32') for n, row in enumerate(xyz): xyz_dist = cdist(row[None], xyz).astype('float32') row_dist[n] = ndimage.mean(xyz_dist, parcellation, labels) for n in range(len(labels)): dist[n] = ndimage.mean(row_dist[:, n], parcellation, labels) else: dist = distmat if parcellation is None: index = np.argsort(dist, axis=-1) if parcellation is None: yield darr[mask], dist, index, mask else: yield data, dist, index, np.ones(len(labels), dtype=bool) def _make_surrogates(data, method, atlas='fsaverage', density='10k', parcellation=None, n_perm=1000, seed=None, distmat=None, n_proc=1, tempdir=None, **kwargs): if method not in ('burt2018', 'burt2020', 'moran'): raise ValueError(f'Invalid null method: {method}') atlas = _sanitize_atlas(atlas) darr = load_data(data) surrogates = np.full((darr.shape) + (n_perm,), np.nan) genfunc = _vol_surrogates if atlas == 'MNI152' else _surf_surrogates for hdata, hdist, hind, hsl in genfunc(data, atlas, density, parcellation, distmat, n_proc=n_proc, tempdir=tempdir): if method == 'burt2018': if parcellation is None: if hind is not None: hdist = np.take_along_axis( hdist, np.argsort(hind, axis=-1), axis=-1) hdata += np.abs(np.nanmin(darr)) + 0.1 hsurr = batch_surrogates(hdist, hdata, n_surr=n_perm, seed=seed) elif method == 'burt2020': if parcellation is None: if hind is None: hind = np.argsort(hdist, axis=-1) hdist = np.sort(hdist, axis=-1) hsurr = Sampled(hdata, hdist, hind, n_jobs=n_proc, seed=seed, **kwargs)(n_perm).T else: hsurr = Base(hdata, hdist, seed=seed, **kwargs)(n_perm, 50).T if hsurr.ndim == 1: hsurr = np.expand_dims(hsurr, axis=1) # clean up (FIXME: this is ugly and we should fix it) if hasattr(hdist, 'filename'): hdist._mmap.close() hind._mmap.close() os.unlink(hdist.filename) os.unlink(hind.filename) del hdist, hind elif method == 'moran': if parcellation is None: if hind is not None: hdist = np.take_along_axis( hdist, np.argsort(hind, axis=-1), axis=-1) dist = hdist.astype('float64') np.fill_diagonal(dist, 1) dist **= -1 opts = dict(joint=True, tol=1e-6, n_rep=n_perm, random_state=seed) opts.update(**kwargs) mrs = MoranRandomization(**opts) hsurr = surrogates[hsl] = hsurr return surrogates _make_surrogates.__doc__ = """\ Generate null surrogates for specified `data` using `method`. Parameters ---------- {data} method : {{'burt2018', 'burt2020', 'moran'}} Method by which to generate null surrogates {atlas_density} {parcellation} {n_perm} {seed} {distmat} {n_proc} {tempdir} {kwargs} Returns ------- {nulls} """.format(**_nulls_input_docs)
[docs]def burt2018(data, atlas='fsaverage', density='10k', parcellation=None, # noqa: D103 n_perm=1000, seed=None, distmat=None, tempdir=None, n_proc=1, **kwargs): return _make_surrogates(data, 'burt2018', atlas=atlas, density=density, parcellation=parcellation, n_perm=n_perm, seed=seed, n_proc=n_proc, distmat=distmat, tempdir=tempdir, **kwargs)
burt2018.__doc__ = """\ Generate null maps for `data` using method from [SN6]_. Method uses a spatial auto-regressive model to estimate distance-dependent relationship of `data` and generates surrogate maps with similar properties Parameters ---------- {data} {atlas_density} {parcellation} {n_perm} {seed} {distmat} {tempdir} {kwargs} Returns ------- {nulls} References ---------- .. [SN6] Burt, J. B., Demirtaş, M., Eckner, W. J., Navejar, N. M., Ji, J. L., Martin, W. J., ... & Murray, J. D. (2018). Hierarchy of transcriptomic specialization across human cortex captured by structural neuroimaging topography. Nature Neuroscience, 21(9), 1251-1259. """.format(**_nulls_input_docs)
[docs]def burt2020(data, atlas='fsaverage', density='10k', parcellation=None, # noqa: D103 n_perm=1000, seed=None, distmat=None, n_proc=1, tempdir=None, **kwargs): if not _brainsmash_avail: raise ImportError('Cannot run burt2020 null model when `brainsmash` ' 'is not installed. Please `pip install brainsmash` ' 'and try again.') elif version.parse(brainsmash.__version__) < version.parse('0.10.0'): raise ImportError('The burt2020 null model needs version >= 0.10.0 of ' '`brainsmash. Please `pip install brainsmash`' '`--upgrade` and try again.') return _make_surrogates(data, 'burt2020', atlas=atlas, density=density, parcellation=parcellation, n_perm=n_perm, seed=seed, n_proc=n_proc, distmat=distmat, tempdir=tempdir, **kwargs)
burt2020.__doc__ = """\ Generate null maps for `data` using method from [SN7]_ and [SN8]_. Method uses variograms to estimate spatial autocorrelation of `data` and generates surrogate maps with similar variogram properties Parameters ---------- {data} {atlas_density} {parcellation} {n_perm} {seed} {n_proc} {distmat} {tempdir} {kwargs} Returns ------- {nulls} References ---------- .. [SN7] Burt, J. B., Helmer, M., Shinn, M., Anticevic, A., & Murray, J. D. (2020). Generative modeling of brain maps with spatial autocorrelation. NeuroImage, 220, 117038. .. [SN8] """.format(**_nulls_input_docs)
[docs]def moran(data, atlas='fsaverage', density='10k', parcellation=None, # noqa: D103 n_perm=1000, seed=None, distmat=None, tempdir=None, n_proc=1, **kwargs): if not _brainspace_avail: raise ImportError('Cannot run moran null model when `brainspace` is ' 'not installed. Please `pip install brainspace` and ' 'try again.') return _make_surrogates(data, 'moran', atlas=atlas, density=density, parcellation=parcellation, n_perm=n_perm, seed=seed, n_proc=n_proc, distmat=distmat, tempdir=tempdir, **kwargs)
moran.__doc__ = """\ Generate null maps for `data` using method from [SN9]_. Method uses a spatial decomposition of a distance-based weight matrix to estimate eigenvectors that are used to generate surrogate maps by imposing a similar spatial structure on randomized data. For a MATLAB implementation refer to [SN10]_ and [SN11]_ Parameters ---------- {data} {atlas_density} {parcellation} {n_perm} {seed} {n_proc} {distmat} {tempdir} {kwargs} Returns ------- {nulls} References ---------- .. [SN9] Wagner, H. H., & Dray, S. (2015). Generating spatially constrained null models for irregularly spaced data using M oran spectral randomization methods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6(10), 1169-1178. .. [SN10] de Wael, R. V., Benkarim, O., Paquola, C., Lariviere, S., Royer, J., Tavakol, S., ... & Bernhardt, B. C. (2020). BrainSpace: a toolbox for the analysis of macroscale gradients in neuroimaging and connectomics datasets. Communications Biology, 3(1), 1-10. .. [SN11] """.format(**_nulls_input_docs)