Source code for neuromaps.transforms

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Functionality for transforming files between spaces."""

import os
from pathlib import Path

import nibabel as nib
from nilearn import image as nimage
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interpn

from neuromaps.datasets import (ALIAS, DENSITIES, fetch_atlas,
                                fetch_regfusion, get_atlas_dir)
from neuromaps.images import (construct_shape_gii, load_gifti, load_nifti,
from neuromaps.utils import tmpname, run

METRICRESAMPLE = 'wb_command -metric-resample {metric} {src} {trg} ' \
                 'ADAP_BARY_AREA {out} -area-metrics {srcarea} {trgarea} ' \
                 '-current-roi {srcmask}'
LABELRESAMPLE = 'wb_command -label-resample {metric} {src} {trg} ' \
                'ADAP_BARY_AREA {out} -area-metrics {srcarea} {trgarea} ' \
                '-current-roi {srcmask}'
MASKSURF = 'wb_command -metric-mask {out} {trgmask} {out}'
SURFFMT = 'tpl-{space}{trg}_den-{den}_hemi-{hemi}'
VAFMT = 'tpl-{space}_den-{den}_hemi-{hemi}_desc-vaavg_midthickness.shape.gii'
MLFMT = 'tpl-{space}_den-{den}_hemi-{hemi}_desc-nomedialwall_dparc.label.gii'
    642: '1k', 2562: '3k', 4002: '4k', 7842: '8k', 10242: '10k',
    32492: '32k', 40962: '41k', 163842: '164k'

def _estimate_density(data, hemi=None):
    Try to estimate standard density of `data`.

    data : (2,) tuple of (2,) tuple of str or os.PathLike or nib.GiftiImage
        Input data for (src, trg), where src and trg are len-2 tuples of images
    hemi : {'L', 'R'}, optional
        If entries of `data` are not tuples this specifies the hemisphere the
        data represent. Default: None

    density : tuple-of-str
        Tuple of strings representing approximate density of data

        If density of `data` is not one of the standard expected values
    densities = tuple()
    for img in data:
        # if `img` is actually just a density string then return that!
        if img in DENSITY_MAP.values():
            densities += (img,)

        # we expect `img` here to actually be a tuple-of-str (L/R hemisphere)
        # if not, hemi is required
        img, hemi = zip(*_check_hemi(img, hemi))

        # confirm that both entries in `img` (if a tuple) have same density
        n_vert = [len(load_data(d)) for d in img]
        if not all(n == n_vert[0] for n in n_vert):
            raise ValueError('Provided data have different resolutions across '
            n_vert = n_vert[0]

        # get string-abbreviated density for data
        density = DENSITY_MAP.get(n_vert)
        if density is None:
            raise ValueError('Provided data resolution is non-standard. '
                             f'Number of vertices estimated in data: {n_vert}')
        densities += (density,)

    return densities

def _regfusion_project(data, ras, affine, method='linear'):
    Project `data` to `ras` space using regfusion.

    data : (X, Y, Z[, V]) array_like
        Input (volumetric) data to be projected to the surface
    ras : (N, 3) array_like
        Coordinates of surface points derived from registration fusion
    affine (4, 4) array_like
        Affine mapping `data` to `ras`-space coordinates
    method : {'nearest', 'linear'}, optional
        Method for projection. Default: 'linear'

    projected : (N, V) array_like
        Input `data` projected to the surface
    data, ras, affine = np.asarray(data), np.asarray(ras), np.asarray(affine)
    coords = nib.affines.apply_affine(np.linalg.inv(affine), ras)
    volgrid = [range(data.shape[i]) for i in range(3)]
    if data.ndim == 3:
        projected = interpn(volgrid, data, coords, method=method)
    elif data.ndim == 4:
        projected = np.column_stack([
            interpn(volgrid, data[..., n], coords, method=method)
            for n in range(data.shape[-1])

    return construct_shape_gii(projected.squeeze())

def _vol_to_surf(img, space, density, method='linear'):
    Project `img` to the surface defined by `space` and `density`.

    img : niimg_like, str, or os.PathLike
        Image to be projected to the surface
    den : str
        Density of desired output space
    space : str
        Desired output space
    method : {'nearest', 'linear'}, optional
        Method for projection. Default: 'linear'

    projected : (2,) tuple-of-nib.GiftiImage
        Left [0] and right [1] hemisphere projected `image` data
    space = ALIAS.get(space, space)
    if space not in DENSITIES:
        raise ValueError(f'Invalid space argument: {space}')
    if density not in DENSITIES[space]:
        raise ValueError(f'Invalid density for {space} space: {density}')
    if method not in ('nearest', 'linear'):
        raise ValueError('Invalid method argument: {method}')

    img = load_nifti(img)
    out = ()
    for ras in fetch_regfusion(space)[density]:
        out += (_regfusion_project(img.get_fdata(), np.loadtxt(ras),
                                   img.affine, method=method),)

    return out

[docs]def mni152_to_civet(img, civet_density='41k', method='linear'): """ Project `img` in MNI152 space to CIVET surface. Parameters ---------- img : str or os.PathLike or niimg_like Image in MNI152 space to be projected civet_density : {'41k'}, optional Desired output density of CIVET surface. Default: '41k' method : {'nearest', 'linear'}, optional Method for projection. Specify 'nearest' if `img` is a label image. Default: 'linear' Returns ------- civet : (2,) tuple-of-nib.GiftiImage Projected `img` on CIVET surface """ if civet_density == '164k': raise NotImplementedError('Cannot perform registration fusion to ' 'CIVET 164k space yet.') return _vol_to_surf(img, 'civet', civet_density, method)
[docs]def mni152_to_fsaverage(img, fsavg_density='41k', method='linear'): """ Project `img` in MNI152 space to fsaverage surface. Parameters ---------- img : str or os.PathLike or niimg_like Image in MNI152 space to be projected fsavg_density : {'3k', '10k', '41k', '164k'}, optional Desired output density of fsaverage surface. Default: '41k' method : {'nearest', 'linear'}, optional Method for projection. Specify 'nearest' if `img` is a label image. Default: 'linear' Returns ------- fsaverage : (2,) tuple-of-nib.GiftiImage Projected `img` on fsaverage surface """ return _vol_to_surf(img, 'fsaverage', fsavg_density, method)
[docs]def mni152_to_fslr(img, fslr_density='32k', method='linear'): """ Project `img` in MNI152 space to fsLR surface. Parameters ---------- img : str or os.PathLike or niimg_like Image in MNI152 space to be projected fslr_density : {'32k', '164k'}, optional Desired output density of fsLR surface. Default: '32k' method : {'nearest', 'linear'}, optional Method for projection. Specify 'nearest' if `img` is a label image. Default: 'linear' Returns ------- fsLR : (2,) tuple-of-nib.GiftiImage Projected `img` on fsLR surface """ if fslr_density in ('4k', '8k'): raise NotImplementedError('Cannot perform registration fusion to ' f'fsLR {fslr_density} space yet.') return _vol_to_surf(img, 'fsLR', fslr_density, method)
[docs]def mni152_to_mni152(img, target='1mm', method='linear'): """ Resample `img` to `target` image (if supplied) or target `resolution`. Parameters ---------- img : str or os.PathLike or niimg_like Image in MNI152 space to be resampled target : {str, os.PathLike, niimg_like} or {'1mm', '2mm', '3mm'}, optional Image in MNI152 space to which `img` should be resampled. Can alternatively specify desired resolution of output resample image. Default: None method : {'nearest', 'linear'}, optional Method for resampling. Specify 'nearest' if `img` is a label image. Default: 'linear' Returns ------- resampled : nib.Nifti1Image Resampled input `img` """ if target in DENSITIES['MNI152']: target = fetch_atlas('MNI152', target)['2009cAsym_T1w'] out = nimage.resample_to_img(load_nifti(img), load_nifti(target), interpolation=method) return out
def _check_hemi(data, hemi): """ Check that `data` and `hemi` jibe. Parameters ---------- data : str or os.PathLike or tuple Input data hemi : str Hemisphere(s) corresponding to `data` Returns ------- zipped : zip Zipped instance of `data` and `hemi` """ if isinstance(data, (str, os.PathLike)) or not hasattr(data, '__len__'): data = (data,) if len(data) == 1 and hemi is None: raise ValueError('Must specify `hemi` when only 1 data file supplied') if hemi is not None and isinstance(hemi, str) and hemi not in ('L', 'R'): raise ValueError(f'Invalid hemisphere designation: {hemi}') elif hemi is not None and isinstance(hemi, str): hemi = (hemi,) elif hemi is not None and any(h not in ('L', 'R') for h in hemi): raise ValueError(f'Invalid hemisphere designations: {hemi}') elif hemi is None: hemi = ('L', 'R') return zip(data, hemi) def _surf_to_surf(data, srcparams, trgparams, method='linear', hemi=None): """ Resample surface `data` to another surface. Parameters ---------- data : str or os.Pathlike or tuple Filepath(s) to data. If not a tuple then `hemi` must be specified. If a tuple then it is assumed that files are ('left', 'right') srcparams, trgparams : dict Dictionary with keys ['space', 'den', 'trg'] method : {'nearest', 'linear'}, optional Method for resampling. Default: 'linear' hemi : str or None Hemisphere of `data` if `data` is a single image. Default: None Returns ------- resampled : tuple-of-nib.GiftiImage Input `data` resampled to new surface """ methods = ('nearest', 'linear') if method not in methods: raise ValueError(f'Invalid method: {method}. Must be one of {methods}') keys = ('space', 'den', 'trg') for key in keys: if key not in srcparams: raise KeyError(f'srcparams missing key: {key}') if key not in trgparams: raise KeyError(f'trgparams missing key: {key}') for val in (srcparams, trgparams): space, den = val['space'], val['den'] if den not in DENSITIES[space]: raise ValueError(f'Invalid density for {space} space: {den}') # if our source and target are identical just return the loaded data if srcparams == trgparams: data, _ = zip(*_check_hemi(data, hemi)) return tuple(load_gifti(d) for d in data) # get required atlas / templates for transforming between spaces for atl in (srcparams, trgparams): fetch_atlas(atl['space'], atl['den']) srcdir = get_atlas_dir(srcparams['space']) trgdir = get_atlas_dir(trgparams['space']) resampled = () func = METRICRESAMPLE if method == 'linear' else LABELRESAMPLE for img, _hemi in _check_hemi(data, hemi): srcparams['hemi'] = trgparams['hemi'] = _hemi try: img = Path(img).resolve() tmpimg = None except TypeError: tmpimg = tmpname(suffix='.gii'), tmpimg) img = Path(tmpimg).resolve() params = dict( metric=img, out=tmpname('.func.gii'), src=srcdir / SURFFMT.format(**srcparams), trg=trgdir / SURFFMT.format(**trgparams), srcarea=srcdir / VAFMT.format(**srcparams), trgarea=trgdir / VAFMT.format(**trgparams), srcmask=srcdir / MLFMT.format(**srcparams), trgmask=trgdir / MLFMT.format(**trgparams) ) for fn in (func, MASKSURF): run(fn.format(**params), quiet=True) resampled += (construct_shape_gii(load_data(params['out'])),) params['out'].unlink() if tmpimg is not None: tmpimg.unlink() return resampled
[docs]def civet_to_fslr(data, target_density='32k', hemi=None, method='linear'): """ Resample `data` on CIVET surface to the fsLR surface. Parameters ---------- data : str or os.PathLike or nib.GiftiImage or tuple Input CIVET data to be resampled to fsLR surface target_density : {'4k', '8k', '32k', '164k'}, optional Desired density of output fsLR surface. Default: '32k' hemi : {'L', 'R'}, optional If `data` is not a tuple this specifies the hemisphere the data are representing. Default: None method : {'nearest', 'linear'}, optional Method for resampling. Specify 'nearest' if `data` are label images. Default: 'linear' Returns ------- resampled : tuple-of-nib.GiftiImage Input `data` resampled to new surface """ density, = _estimate_density((data,), hemi=hemi) srcparams = dict(space='civet', den=density, trg='_space-fsLR') trgparams = dict(space='fsLR', den=target_density, trg='') return _surf_to_surf(data, srcparams, trgparams, method, hemi)
[docs]def fslr_to_civet(data, target_density='41k', hemi=None, method='linear'): """ Resample `data` on fsLR surface to the CIVET surface. Parameters ---------- data : str or os.PathLike or nib.GiftiImage or tuple Input fsLR data to be resampled to CIVET surface target_density : {'41k', '164k'}, optional Desired density of output CIVET surface. Default: '41k' hemi : {'L', 'R'}, optional If `data` is not a tuple this specifies the hemisphere the data are representing. Default: None method : {'nearest', 'linear'}, optional Method for resampling. Specify 'nearest' if `data` are label images. Default: 'linear' Returns ------- resampled : tuple-of-nib.GiftiImage Input `data` resampled to new surface """ density, = _estimate_density((data,), hemi=hemi) srcparams = dict(space='fsLR', den=density, trg='') trgparams = dict(space='civet', den=target_density, trg='_space-fsLR') return _surf_to_surf(data, srcparams, trgparams, method, hemi)
[docs]def civet_to_fsaverage(data, target_density='41k', hemi=None, method='linear'): """ Resample `data` on CIVET surface to the fsaverage surface. Parameters ---------- data : str or os.PathLike or nib.GiftiImage or tuple Input CIVET data to be resampled to fsaverage surface target_density : {'3k', '10k', '41k', '164k'}, optional Desired density of output fsaverage surface. Default: '32k' hemi : {'L', 'R'}, optional If `data` is not a tuple this specifies the hemisphere the data are representing. Default: None method : {'nearest', 'linear'}, optional Method for resampling. Specify 'nearest' if `data` are label images. Default: 'linear' Returns ------- resampled : tuple-of-nib.GiftiImage Input `data` resampled to new surface """ density, = _estimate_density((data,), hemi=hemi) srcparams = dict(space='civet', den=density, trg='_space-fsaverage') trgparams = dict(space='fsaverage', den=target_density, trg='') return _surf_to_surf(data, srcparams, trgparams, method, hemi)
[docs]def fsaverage_to_civet(data, target_density='41k', hemi=None, method='linear'): """ Resample `data` on fsaverage surface to the CIVET surface. Parameters ---------- data : str or os.PathLike or nib.GiftiImage or tuple Input fsaverage data to be resampled to CIVET surface target_density : {'41k', '164k'}, optional Desired density of output CIVET surface. Default: '41k' hemi : {'L', 'R'}, optional If `data` is not a tuple this specifies the hemisphere the data are representing. Default: None method : {'nearest', 'linear'}, optional Method for resampling. Specify 'nearest' if `data` are label images. Default: 'linear' Returns ------- resampled : tuple-of-nib.GiftiImage Input `data` resampled to new surface """ density, = _estimate_density((data,), hemi=hemi) srcparams = dict(space='fsaverage', den=density, trg='') trgparams = dict(space='civet', den=target_density, trg='_space-fsaverage') return _surf_to_surf(data, srcparams, trgparams, method, hemi)
[docs]def fslr_to_fsaverage(data, target_density='41k', hemi=None, method='linear'): """ Resample `data` on fsLR surface to the fsaverage surface. Parameters ---------- data : str or os.PathLike or nib.GiftiImage or tuple Input fsLR data to be resampled to fsaverage surface target_density : {'3k', '10k', '41k', '164k'}, optional Desired density of output fsaverage surface. Default: '41k' hemi : {'L', 'R'}, optional If `data` is not a tuple this specifies the hemisphere the data are representing. Default: None method : {'nearest', 'linear'}, optional Method for resampling. Specify 'nearest' if `data` are label images. Default: 'linear' Returns ------- resampled : tuple-of-nib.GiftiImage Input `data` resampled to new surface """ density, = _estimate_density((data,), hemi=hemi) srcparams = dict(space='fsLR', den=density, trg='_space-fsaverage') trgparams = dict(space='fsaverage', den=target_density, trg='') return _surf_to_surf(data, srcparams, trgparams, method, hemi)
[docs]def fsaverage_to_fslr(data, target_density='32k', hemi=None, method='linear'): """ Resample `data` on fsaverage surface to the fsLR surface. Parameters ---------- data : str or os.PathLike or nib.GiftiImage or tuple Input fsaverage data to be resampled to fsLR surface target_density : {'4k', '8k', '32k', '164k'}, optional Desired density of output fsLR surface. Default: '32k' hemi : {'L', 'R'}, optional If `data` is not a tuple this specifies the hemisphere the data are representing. Default: None method : {'nearest', 'linear'}, optional Method for resampling. Specify 'nearest' if `data` are label images. Default: 'linear' Returns ------- resampled : tuple-of-nib.GiftiImage Input `data` resampled to new surface """ density, = _estimate_density((data,), hemi=hemi) srcparams = dict(space='fsaverage', den=density, trg='') trgparams = dict(space='fsLR', den=target_density, trg='_space-fsaverage') return _surf_to_surf(data, srcparams, trgparams, method, hemi)
[docs]def civet_to_civet(data, target_density='41k', hemi=None, method='linear'): """ Resample `data` on CIVET surface to new density. Parameters ---------- data : str or os.PathLike or nib.GiftiImage or tuple Input CIVET data to be resampled target_density : {'41k', '164k'}, optional Desired density of output surface. Default: '41k' hemi : {'L', 'R'}, optional If `data` is not a tuple this specifies the hemisphere the data are representing. Default: None method : {'nearest', 'linear'}, optional Method for resampling. Specify 'nearest' if `data` are label images. Default: 'linear' Returns ------- resampled : tuple-of-nib.GiftiImage Input `data` resampled to new surface """ density, = _estimate_density((data,), hemi=hemi) srcparams = dict(space='civet', den=density, trg='') trgparams = dict(space='civet', den=target_density, trg='') return _surf_to_surf(data, srcparams, trgparams, method, hemi)
[docs]def fslr_to_fslr(data, target_density='32k', hemi=None, method='linear'): """ Resample `data` on fsLR surface to new density. Parameters ---------- data : str or os.PathLike or nib.GiftiImage or tuple Input fsLR data to be resampled target_density : {'4k', '8k', '32k', '164k'}, optional Desired density of output surface. Default: '32k' hemi : {'L', 'R'}, optional If `data` is not a tuple this specifies the hemisphere the data are representing. Default: None method : {'nearest', 'linear'}, optional Method for resampling. Specify 'nearest' if `data` are label images. Default: 'linear' Returns ------- resampled : tuple-of-nib.GiftiImage Input `data` resampled to new density """ density, = _estimate_density((data,), hemi=hemi) srcparams = dict(space='fsLR', den=density, trg='') trgparams = dict(space='fsLR', den=target_density, trg='') return _surf_to_surf(data, srcparams, trgparams, method, hemi)
[docs]def fsaverage_to_fsaverage(data, target_density='41k', hemi=None, method='linear'): """ Resample `data` on fsaverage surface to new density. Parameters ---------- data : str or os.PathLike or nib.GiftiImage or tuple Input fsaverage data to be resampled target_density : {'3k', '10k', '41k', '164k'}, optional Desired density of output surface. Default: '41k' hemi : {'L', 'R'}, optional If `data` is not a tuple this specifies the hemisphere the data are representing. Default: None method : {'nearest', 'linear'}, optional Method for resampling. Specify 'nearest' if `data` are label images. Default: 'linear' Returns ------- resampled : tuple-of-nib.GiftiImage Input `data` resampled to new density """ density, = _estimate_density((data,), hemi=hemi) srcparams = dict(space='fsaverage', den=density, trg='') trgparams = dict(space='fsaverage', den=target_density, trg='') return _surf_to_surf(data, srcparams, trgparams, method, hemi)