Comparing brain maps

Resampling brain maps

So you’ve got a new brain map and you want to compare it to some of the annotations in the neuromaps repository. You know how to fetch the relevant annotations and can transform maps between coordinate systems. What now?

The neuromaps.resampling and neuromaps.stats modules contain functions designed to streamline the process of making these comparisons. First, let’s say you have two annotations in different coordinate systems:

>>> from neuromaps.datasets import fetch_annotation
>>> neurosynth = fetch_annotation(source='neurosynth')
>>> abagen = fetch_annotation(source='abagen')

The abagen data are in the fsaverage system and the neurosynth data are in the MNI152 system. We can use neuromaps.resampling.resample_images() to easily resample these images to a standard space.

>>> from neuromaps.resampling import resample_images
>>> ns_res, aba_res = resample_images(src=neurosynth, trg=abagen,
...                                   src_space='MNI152', trg_space='fsaverage',
...                                   method='linear', resampling='downsample_only')

Only the first four parameters are required (i.e., src, trg, src_space, and trg_space). The other two parameters provided here control how the resampling is done. The method='linear' specifies that we should use linear interpolation when transforming the data between systems, as described in the transformations section. The resampling='downsample_only' parameter, on the other hand, controls to what coordinate system the data are transformed.

There are four options for the resampling parameters:

  1. ‘downsample_only’,

  2. ‘transform_to_src’,

  3. ‘transform_to_trg’, and

  4. ‘transform_to_alt’

The default (‘downsample_only’) specifies that the higher-resolution map will be transformed to the space of the lower-resolution map. This ensures that we are never artificially “creating” (i.e., upsampling) data that does not exist.


One caveat to the ‘downsample_only’ transformation: when one of the maps is in MNI152 space and the other is in a surface-based coordinate system the volumetric map is always transformed to the space of the surface-based map. In all other instances the higher-resolution map is transformed to the space of the lower-resolution map.

Note that when resampling='downsample_only' one of the inputs will always remain unchanged. In the above example, the aba_res output will be identical to the abagen input

>>> print(ns_res)
(<nibabel.gifti.gifti.GiftiImage object at ...>, <nibabel.gifti.gifti.GiftiImage object at ...)
>>> print(aba_res)
['/.../neuromaps-data/annotations/abagen/genepc1/fsaverage/source-abagen_desc-genepc1_space-fsaverage_den-10k_hemi-L_feature.func.gii', '/.../neuromaps-data/annotations/abagen/genepc1/fsaverage/source-abagen_desc-genepc1_space-fsaverage_den-10k_hemi-R_feature.func.gii']
>>> print(abagen == aba_res)

The ‘transform_to_src’ and ‘transform_to_trg’ options are relatively straightforward: they specify that the function will transform the provided data to the space of the ‘src’ or ‘trg’ dataset, respectively.

The ‘transform_to_alt’ parameter, on the other hand, works a bit differently. It requires passing an additional argument to the resample_images function, alt_spec:

>>> ns_fslr, aba_fslr = resample_images(src=neurosynth, trg=abagen,
...                                     src_space='MNI152', trg_space='fsaverage',
...                                     method='linear', resampling='transform_to_alt',
...                                     alt_spec=('fslr', '32k'))

The alt_spec parameter must be a tuple of format (system, density), and specifies the target coordinate system and density to which both the src and trg datasets will be transformed. In the above example, both datasets are transformed to the fsLR coordinate system and have an output density of 32k vertices per hemisphere.

Statistical associations between maps

To assess the statistical relationship between two brain annotations in the same coordinate system we can use neuromaps.stats.compare_images():

>>> from neuromaps.stats import compare_images
>>> corr = compare_images(ns_res, aba_res, metric='pearsonr')
>>> print(f'r = {corr:.3f}')
r = 0.339

We can use other image similarity metrics if we want by passing different parameters to the metric argument. By default the only accepted string arguments are 'pearsonr' and 'spearmanr’, but we can provide any callable function that takes two vectors and returns a single value. For example, we can calculate the cosine similarity of the images with:

>>> from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine
>>> cossim = 1 - compare_images(ns_res, aba_res, metric=cosine)
>>> print(f'cosine similarity = {cossim:.3f}')
cosine similarity = 0.335

If we want to test the significance of these statistical associations we can opt to use spatial null models.