Spatial nulls for significance testing

In the last section we showed how to resample and statistically compare two brain annotations. This process gave us a correlation estimate (or other image similarity metric) but no means by which to test the significance of the association between the tested maps. Enter: the neuromaps.nulls module.

This module provides access to a variety of null models that can be used to generate “null” brain maps that retain aspects of the spatial autocorrelation of the original brain maps.

For a review of these models, please refer to Markello & Misic, 2021, NeuroImage. We also recommend watching this recorded session from the OHBM 2024 Educational Course if you are new to this topic.

There are four available null models that can be used with voxel- and vertex-wise data and eight null models that can be used with parcellated data. Refer to the neuromaps.nulls API for the complete list of null models.

Nulls with surface-based data

Nulls with non-parcellated data

All of the null model functions in neuromaps have (more-or-less) identical interfaces. They accept (1) a data array or tuple-of-images, (2) the coordinate system + density of the provided data, (3) the number of desired nulls (i.e., permutations), and (4) a random seed for reproducibility. The functions will yield a two-dimensional array of shape (vertices, nulls):

>>> from neuromaps import datasets, images, nulls, resampling
>>> neurosynth = datasets.fetch_annotation(source='neurosynth')
>>> abagen = datasets.fetch_annotation(source='abagen')
>>> neurosynth, abagen = resampling.resample_images(neurosynth, abagen, 'MNI152', 'fsaverage')
>>> rotated = nulls.alexander_bloch(neurosynth, atlas='fsaverage', density='10k',
...                                 n_perm=100, seed=1234)
>>> print(rotated.shape)
(20484, 100)

Once we’ve generated the null maps we can pass them directly to the optional nulls argument of neuromaps.stats.compare_images()

>>> from neuromaps import stats
>>> corr, pval = stats.compare_images(neurosynth, abagen, nulls=rotated)
>>> print(f'r = {corr:.3f}, p = {pval:.3f}')
r = 0.339, p = 0.178


The null array provided to the nulls argument must be for the data passed as the first positional argument of the function! In the above example, the rotated array corresponds to null maps for neurosynth. If we called the function like stats.compare_images(abagen, neurosynth) then we would have had to generate our rotated array for the abagen data instead. The function has no way of checking this so you must be very careful when providing null arrays!

Now, our call to compare_images() returns both a correlation and a p-value. Note that the p-values are bounded based on the requested number of permutations. That is, if you provide an array to nulls the smallest p-value that can be returned is (1 / (1 + nulls.shape[1])).

Nulls with parcellated data

The null model functions in neuromaps can also handle parcellated data, and do so by accepting an additional optional keyword parameter: parcellation. If provided, the null functions assume this is a tuple-of-images (left, right hemisphere, as usual) that is in the same space as the provided data.

Generally you will already have pre-parcellated data, but for the purposes of demonstration we we will fetch a surface parcellation (for the 10k fsaverage system) using nilearn:

>>> from nilearn.datasets import fetch_atlas_surf_destrieux
>>> destrieux = fetch_atlas_surf_destrieux()
>>> print(sorted(destrieux))
['description', 'labels', 'map_left', 'map_right']
>>> print(len(destrieux['map_left']), len(destrieux['map_right']))
10242 10242
>>> print(len(destrieux['labels']))

Unfortunately the Destrieux atlas provided here is designed such that left and right hemispheres have identical label values. The functions in neuromaps that handle parcellated data always assume that the labels IDs are ascending across hemispheres. Moreover, the map_left and map_right values are simple numpy arrays and neuromaps prefers to work with GIFTI images. We can convert the arrays to GIFTI label images and then relabel them so that the labels are consecutive across hemispheres:

>>> labels = [label.decode() for label in destrieux['labels']]
>>> parc_left = images.construct_shape_gii(destrieux['map_left'], labels=labels,
...                                        intent='NIFTI_INTENT_LABEL')
>>> parc_right = images.construct_shape_gii(destrieux['map_right'], labels=labels,
...                                         intent='NIFTI_INTENT_LABEL')
>>> parcellation = images.relabel_gifti((parc_left, parc_right), background=['Medial_wall'])
>>> print(parcellation)
(<nibabel.gifti.gifti.GiftiImage object at ...>, <nibabel.gifti.gifti.GiftiImage object at ...>)

Note that we set background=['Medial_wall'] in our call to relabel_gifti(). This is because, by default, the medial wall has a label of 42 and we want it to be set to 0. (The neuromaps functions assume that the 0 label is the background, and it is omitted from most calculations.)

We can use these images to parcellate our data with an instance of the neuromaps.parcellate.Parcellater class:

>>> from neuromaps import parcellate
>>> destrieux = parcellate.Parcellater(parcellation, 'fsaverage').fit()
>>> neurosynth_parc = destrieux.transform(neurosynth, 'fsaverage')
>>> abagen_parc = destrieux.transform(abagen, 'fsaverage')
>>> print(neurosynth_parc.shape, abagen_parc.shape)
(148,) (148,)

Now that we’ve got our parcellated arrays we can generate our null maps. We use the same call as above but provide the additional parcellation parameter:

>>> rotated = nulls.alexander_bloch(neurosynth_parc, atlas='fsaverage', density='10k',
...                                 n_perm=100, seed=1234, parcellation=parcellation)
>>> print(rotated.shape)
(148, 100)

We can pass the generated array to the nulls argument of compare_images() as before:

>>> corr, pval = stats.compare_images(neurosynth_parc, abagen_parc, nulls=rotated)
>>> print(f'r = {corr:.3f}, p = {pval:.3f}')
r = 0.416, p = 0.376

The correlation has changed (because we parcellated the data!), but remains non-significant.

Nulls for volumetric data


Nulls for high-resolution volumetric data (especially at 1mm or 2mm resolution) can be extremely demanding (days & hundreds of GBs). This is an inherent limitation of the original model that currently has no immediate workaround!

The majority of spatial nulls work best with data represented in one of the surface-based coordinate systems. If you are working with data that are represented in the MNI152 system you must use one of the following three null models:

Whereas the other available null models assume that the provided data are represented on a cortical surface, these models are more flexible. However, they all depend on calculating and storing a distance matrix of the provided images in memory, and as such will be very computationally intensive for volumetric images.

You would call the functions in the same manner as above:

>>> neurosynth_mni152 = datasets.fetch_annotation(source='neurosynth')
>>> nulls = nulls.burt2020(neurosynth_mni152, atlas='MNI152', density='2mm',
...                        n_perm=100, seed=1234)
>>> print(nulls.shape)
(224705, 100)

When working with volumetric data, please note some important computational considerations. While the function supports both voxelwise and parcellated analyses, processing high-resolution volumetric data (especially at 1mm or 2mm resolution) can be extremely demanding. The calculations for voxelwise data can take several days to complete even on high-performance computing nodes, and may require hundreds of GBs of temporary storage space. This is an inherent limitation of the original model that currently has no immediate workaround (see BrainSMASH). We welcome any suggestions for improving this method’s computational efficiency and performance.

To make your analysis more tractable, we recommend you consider using parcellated data instead of voxelwise analysis. Parcellation dramatically reduces both computation time and storage requirements.

For voxelwise input, if possible it is recommended that you mask your data (i.e., with a gray matter mask) before generating nulls using this procedure. To use parcellation images for volumetric data, simply pass the volumetric parcellation image to the parcellation keyword argument and the function will take care of the rest.